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Vòng đệmLEFNOLIK LL88  được chế tạo bằng với thành phần graphite tinh khiết  99% và có chất chống oxy hoá ở nhiệt độ cao Ứng dụng cho sản xuất các sản phẩm làm kín cho các thiết bị Bơm, Van…

For Valve bonnets, high pressure vessel lids and other devices.
For Fosil Power Plant, Refinery, Pulp & Paper, Petrochemicals, Oil & Gas.
For Nuclear Power Plant.
For Steam and water applications.
Pressure : 290 Bar (4200 psi).
Temperature : 650 °C (1200 °F) in steam, 450 °C (842 °F) in oxidizing atmosphere.
Made of Graphite with Corrosion Inhibitor LL99/LL99N for Nuclear.
Easy removal during disassembly work.
No scratches on sealing faces.
High stable sealability in pressure and temperature cycles.
Excellent in anti-extrution properties.
Less force to seal.
Less expensive than metal rings.
Metal Cap, Inconel Wire available.
Sizes from 1/2″ to 36″.
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